This ESPRESSO ARTICLE explains how the coffee beverage is brewed by forcing a small amount of hot water, under pressure, through finely ground coffee beans.
This pressurized brewing process makes a concentrated drink that is thicker and stronger then other brewing methods and forms a foam on top called crema.
Espresso is also a name used to describe a particular dark roasted coffee bean. The beans themselves, are not actually grown as espresso beans. They are harvested green. It is the darkness of the roast that makes them an espresso bean.
The definition of espresso has been under question. Many believe the term was originally meant to describe a coffee that was espressly made, or, quickly made to order. But others might say that it described coffee that was pressed out, through a special mechanical machine designed for that purpose, thus espresso.
In any event, though not just a dark roasted bean, and a particular coffee brew, espresso must also be regarded as a process.
Medium Dark Roast – Whole Bean
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Espresso Machines are the necessary devices needed to concoct this specialized coffee drink process called Espresso.
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